I will tell you how to

Restart Your Career
To Be more Successful

My Mentoring

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Successful Stories

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For Companies

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Kick Up Your Career

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I was very lucky to meet Majida on my trip to New York. It was a lifetime experience for me. She gave me deep insight and helped me recognize my own spiritual power within myself.

I realized that I have true power to create whatever I desired to be and make my own destiny by changing perspective on what is happening in my life. Thank you Majida for giving me strength to believe in myself. One would be so lucky to meet Majida and experience her gift of giving.

Nonna Fleischer – Toronto, Canada

About Me

Jane Doe

A personal mentor

Sed iaculis dapibus tellus eget condimentum. Curabitur ut tellus congue, convallis tortor et, pellentesque diam. Nullam non dolor eu ligula ultrices pellentesque placerat imperdiet metus. Etiam lobortis bibendum egestas. In quis massa a felis molestie consequat rhoncus vitae nisl. In pharetra posuere dictum. In eget metus eu leo rutrum venenatis vitae sit amet elit. Duis luctus enim enim.


Your Daily Motivation Quote

Five Steps to Your Success

Contact Me

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Do You Want a Successful Life?

Enter your name and e-mail and I will tell you for free!

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Kim Williams is a Certified Executive Coach (CEC) and a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF).
She coaches individuals and teams, mostly professionals in the investment and finance sector. Her services are full
featured and she wants to help you reach your business goals.

January 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Successful Stories

I was very lucky to meet Majida on my trip to New York. It was a lifetime experience for me. She gave me deep insight and helped me recognize my own spiritual power within myself.

I realized that I have true power to create whatever I desired to be and make my own destiny by changing perspective on what is happening in my life. Thank you Majida for giving me strength to believe in myself. One would be so lucky to meet Majida and experience her gift of giving.

Nonna Fleischer – Toronto, Canada

“ You have given me unconditional love, support and confort! You made me feel sensual, loved
And cared for! I felt at ease and comfortable talking to you about my personal life!
You listened to me and devoted yourself and time to me, Thank you “

Jane – Engelwood, NJ

You are very prolific when discussing social issues… in particular, ones that affect the under dogs of our society.
I feel comfortable talking with you about anything.
You have helped me to become a selfless person… to always help disadvantaged people, without conditions.
To be open minded, tolerant and forgiving.
You are exceptionally good at listening. You lead by example. You can effectively come up with solutions to sole personal issues and social issues.
I would ask and gratefully accept your advise on just about anything… I respect your ideas and opinions and I’m forever grateful most of all that you’re my good friend

Kervin Maule – Brooklyn NY

You give me strength and courage. You make me feel good about myself each time I felt down. You help me stay positive!!


Lamyae Laghrissi – Orlando, Florida


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